速報APP / 教育 / Cardinal Marks

Cardinal Marks





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:10, Hammersmith Industrial Premises, Sitaladevi Temple Road, Mahim Mumbai 400016, India

Cardinal Marks(圖1)-速報App

Cardinal Marks are used for permanent wreck marking whereby North, East, South and West Cardinal buoys are placed around the wreck.

Cardinal Marks(圖2)-速報App

Cardinal marks are named after the four quadrants of compass i.e. North, South, East, and West. These are buoys placed mid sea and indicate that safe water lies to the named side of the mark.

Cardinal Marks(圖3)-速報App

A navigator will be safe if the vessel passes north of a north mark, south of a south mark, east of an east mark and west of a west mark.

Cardinal Marks(圖4)-速報App

This app has been developed as a quick reference guide. The mobile can be placed horizontally or held vertically for the heading to follow up.

Cardinal Marks(圖5)-速報App

Unique feature of this app is the ECDIS view. Shortly we will be including the light signals displayed during darkness. New features will be developed as we get suggestions.

Cardinal Marks(圖6)-速報App